Monday, April 18, 2011

"Define her", he said.

It'd have been easier if he had just asked me why the stars shone so bright tonight.

I did wonder, why could I see stars in hell. I think this was hell, why else was i with her.

He looked me crossly in the eye like child who had just discovered a nasty little secret.

"Define her," he emphasised this time, rolling his fingers over the key around his neck. "Now". A threat was implied.

I wondered if I had an option. best not to take chances. So i did, or at least tried. How co you possibly define her. How can you define something you don't understand. But the lack of an option was resolution enough for me to venture forth.

"And", she said, "before you start, tell me of what she is, regale me with her legend. Lend me your mind so i may share the vision. breathe life into the lore that brought you here, tell me of this maiden of whom you spoke. Who is the cause and the key. Tell me, who she was." And you could see he was smiling though it would be impossible to figure out whether it was a smile of mirth or something else.

And thus i ventured.

"She is my sun and my stars, my light and the dark. When she spoke the clouds parted and I could see where it was that I was headed and when she cried the rains poured throughout the heaves and all of creation wilted. But like the wonder that is life she emerged from the dark cold night like a lily covered in morning dew. Shining in her simple innocence.

She changed me in many way, ways I saw and those that I didn't. Change isn't always good. My heart bled for her and because of her. She touched and ripped my heart and soul. She could not be mine and that was my destiny. This loss I couldn't bear and this life I didn't want. her pleasure in my demise burnt me with rage. Her smile was a torment for I knew it was destined for another. Every moment I saw her my mind would race and rip me apart from the inside. To this day I lived as such and today here I stand."

She plucked the key and motioned towards the door. There was screaming coming from inside. i sighed and moved on.


"Define her", he said.

It'd have been easier if he had just asked me why the stars so bright tonight.

I did wonder, why could I see stars in heaven. I think this was heaven, why else was I with her.

He looked me crossly in the eye like child who had just discovered a nasty little secret.

"Define her," he emphasised this time, rolling his fingers over the key around his neck. "Please". The promise of a smile crept up her face.

I wondered if I had an option. How could I not talk about her. . So i did, or at least tried. How could you possibly define her. How can you define something you don't understand. But the lack of an option was resolution enough for me to venture forth.

"And", she said, "before you start, tell me of what she is, regale me with her legend. Lend me your mind so i may share the vision. breathe life into the lore that brought you here, tell me of this maiden of whom you spoke. Who is the cause and the key. Tell me, who she was." And you could see he was smiling though it would be impossible to figure out whether it was a smile of mirth or something else.

And thus i ventured.

"She is my sun and my stars, my light and the dark. When she spoke the clouds parted and I could see where it was that I was headed and when she cried the rains poured throughout the heaves and all of creation wilted. But like the wonder that is life she emerged from the dark cold night like a lily covered in morning dew. Shining in her simple innocence.

She changed me in many way, ways I saw and those that I didn't. Change isn't always bad you know. My heart bled for her and because of her. She touched my heat and soul. Alas she could not be mine and that was my destiny. This loss I couldn't bear and this life I didn't want. The option was simple. I had to love her, for to not was not the option that presented itself. My life was to become a temple to cherish the love she showed I could posses. Her pleasure was neough to shadow my demise. Her smile, at one time torment for I knew it was destined for another, was today the reason to venture forth and lead a life worthy of the love I had felt. She may not be mine but the love I felt was and it was enough to keep this simple man happy. I would meet someone else or maybe not, but love like this could not be wasted for even a moment. I cherished her and so my life. Every moment I saw her my mind would race and make me smile. To this day I lived as i lived and here I stand."

She plucked the key and motioned towards the door. I could see creep in from the other side. I looked back once and then moved on.